Posts Tagged ‘Isis’

February is Metal Month

February 5, 2010

Way back in January I decided to dedicate February to the righteous pursuit of all things metal.  I’m not terribly well versed on the hardest of rocks, so I’ve enlisted a friend to help me out with some picks that will ease me into this very heavy genre.

Get it?  Heavy.

So what we’re doing is exploring the genre….. together!  It’ll be an adventure for myself, jules, and the three of you who read this.  Ready GO.

Instead of building from the ground up, my tour guide assumed I already liked stuff like early Metallica, Slayer, Ozzy, etc.  I quietly nodded.  Noting my affinity for bands like Sigur Ros, Radiohead, and atmospheric rock, we started out with a band called Isis, and their 2002 album Oceanic.

The things I don’t like about metal are the obtrusively brutal guitars, and the sound of some dude screaming.  Here is a song that has very little of both.  It’s called Carry.

I dig it.  I can’t say all the choices are going to be so palatable, but so far my buddy Dave is 1 for 1.  Hail satan.